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TacVent Instructor 2022 part 7—Tac Synergy

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Tactical Ventilation Instructor Tactical Synergy 7.     Tactical Synergy7.1 Explain how Horizontal Ventilation, Vertical Ventilation and Anti-Ventilation can be combined in a manner that can increase the effectiveness of search and fire attack.7.2 Explain how ventilation techniques can be combined with extinguishing tactics and techniques to increase efficiency and safety.7.3 Cool before you vent options.7.4 Transitional Attack.7.5 Gas Cooling and Flame Cooling.7.6 3D Zone Control (Buffer Zone and Safe Zone) Beyond “One Tool, One Tactic, One Technique”The natural response is to “do what works most of the time”. It is a routine reaction. Tactical synergy is based on a rapid assessment of the factors present at each particular incident.Mnemonics such as BE SAHF, RECEO and PACT help in identifying the unique risks and focussing it back to our core priorities. Life – Property – Environment. Unbiased Knowledge Tactical synergy is based on an unbiased knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of every tactic, tool and technique. Not reactions such as “moth candle”, “vent early, vent often” or “weapon of choice” Beyond Favourite to Appropriate Accurate size up identifies:Where the fire is and where it is heading.Who and What is at the greatest risk. Unbiased knowledge is used to select the best: Combination of tactical options. The most applicable tools. The most effective techniques. Tactical SynergyA range of methods can be used to remove the HEAT side of the fire triangle by cooling. The OXYGEN side is influenced by anti-ventilation or tactical ventilationIt is not generally practical to “remove” the solid FUEL, but we can separate it by closing doors or placing hose lines to cut off spread.When our actions influence 2 or more sides of the triangle they result can be significantly more powerful. Principles of Tactical Synergy1. Fast WaterStrategic placement of first lines (not “moth to candle”).What is burning is already lost!Speed of Attack or Weight of Attack? 2.
TacVent Instructor 2022 part 7—Tac Synergy

